Families With Children
Click here to read more about our children and youth programs. . View a fun slideshow entitled An Alphabet Slideshow of Church Life here.
At CCoT we celebrate the many ways family is understood in our changing church and community. We value the contribution and presence of all people- children, youth, individuals, couples, single parents, elderly and families. We believe that children and youth should be included in worship so that they become an integral and natural part of the worship service. By bringing generations together we provide opportunities to share our spiritual gifts, and in a sense become one big family, journeying together and learning from one another.
We believe that when it comes to young people, "faith is caught as much as it is taught." Our Sunday School, Confirmation Class, Faithworks High School Youth Group, and Middle School programs represent opportunities to inquire, question, and discuss matters of our faith, shared beliefs and values. This exercise in lifelong learning includes studying the bible and understanding Christian sacraments and

One of the best ways to learn what it means to be a Christian is to discover ways to serve each other, our local community, and the wider world. Children and youth have regular opportunities to serve in a variety of ways, including working at church-sponsored charitable events and serving at a local homeless shelter. High School youth go on a mission trip each year in June to help an under-served area; past destinations have included Washington D.C., South Dakota and Tennessee.
Click here to register your child/children.
If you would like to volunteer to work with children and youth, please submit this CORI form to the church office.