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Get Involved!

"There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them." 


At CCoT there are many opportunities for our members to be involved in ways that help them fulfill their desire to give expression to their gifts and interests. Below are ways you and your family can get involved, make new friends and carry out God’s work! Call or email to find out more about any of these opportunities.

Board of Deacons,

Jim Barnes, chair


The Board of Deacons provides oversight and direction for the worship services of the church including music, service planning, lay readers, flowers, decorations and banners, acolytes, altar guild, communion, baptism, ushers, greeters, and the recording and re-transmission of church services. The Board of Deacons also gives specific attention to people and families in need, bereaved members, and members in need of visitation. The Board maintains a Parish Care Team to provide for special needs of members such as elder care, flower delivery, home communion, and transportation for members in need.  In addition, the Board of Deacons promotes Christian discipleship through programs that encourage the growth and understanding of the Christian faith, such as Bible studies, small group ministries, prayer teams, guest speakers, and retreats.

Board of Children and Youth,

Christy Redding,

  • Nursery care (adjusted due to need, contact Christy Redding if your child needs nursery care, we have nursery care providers standing by and are happy to accommodate this)

  • Sunday School (K-3rd grade and 4th-7th grade)

  • Upper Elementary Youth Group (4th-7th grade)

  • Faithworks (8th-12th grade youth group)


The Board of Children and Youth works with the Associate Pastor and the Children and Youth Ministry Assistant to oversee all programs for children and youth; including the Sunday School, nursery care, youth groups, Sacraments Workshop (3rd grade and above), and Confirmation (10th grade). The Board is also in charge of a variety of events for children and families throughout the program year (September-June).

Board of Trustees,

Bruce Jones, President,


The Board of Trustees has the care and custody of all funds and property of the Church and is responsible for its financial and corporate affairs, including the execution all contracts on behalf of the Church.  Working with recommendations from all boards and other agencies of the Church, the Board of Trustees prepares the budget that is voted at the Annual Meeting.  The Building and Grounds Committee of the Board is responsible for projects that maintain and preserve Church property, reduce energy use, or deal with unforeseen emergencies.  Additionally, the Board of Trustees is responsible for financial policies and functions, stewardship solicitation, UCC Associations support, oversight of the Safe Church Program, the Fairbooth, and the Church’s relationship with Joyful Noises.

Board of Community and Communications,

Nancy Nelson,


The mission of the Board of Community and Communications is to inform, nurture, invite, and welcome.  This board seeks to nurture the church membership, and the larger community, through providing numerous fellowship activities that appeal to a wide spectrum of community and church members.  We welcome new members into the life of the church by providing New Members’ Classes, integrating them into the life of the church, and publishing a directory of Church membership bi-annually.  The Board’s outreach to the community includes publicizing church events, maintaining the Church’s website, as well as creating, publishing and distributing a weekly newsletter in coordination with the Communications and Office Manager. 

Missions and Outreach, Joe Gibbons,

  • Beverly Bootstraps, Community Giving Tree, Emmaus, Lifebridge, Habitat for Humanity, Tri-Town Council

  • Haven for Hunger, Dept of Children and Families Merrimac Valley

  • NuDay Syria, Refugee Immigration Ministry, US Foundation for Children in Haiti

  • Re-Member (Oglala Lakota Nation - Pine Ridge Reservation)

  • Lazarus House

  • Straight Ahead Ministries


The Board of Mission and Outreach promotes mission and social education throughout the church.  We encourage interest in and participation with various projects of benevolence-giving and hands-on action. The Board maintains and implements the Church’s commitment as an Open and Affirming congregation, and also supports efforts to address the underlying causes of social injustice.

B Children and Youth
Board of Trustees
B Missions
B Deacons
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